How to Plan Out the Year’s Adventures for a Solo Mom

It’s the end of February of 2023, and here I sit feeling like I’m behind in planning our travels for the year. When well-meaning friends and co-workers ask me where we’re going next, my chest tightens and throat swells as I realize I haven’t made any solid plans yet for the year. This may seem trivial to many, but for me, travel and exploration are what I thrive on. I need to wander as much as I need air to breathe. And yet, the 20th of February came and went with no solid plan.

Something needed to be done.

Here’s how this solo mom went about planning our adventures for 2023:

1.       Review the Bucket List…and the Wish List.

I have a rather extensive Bucket List. Last year, it had 49 items (locations and experiences) on it. A good friend of mine thought that was a lot and asked if it was really more of a “Wish List.”

She made a good point.

I looked at each item and considered how I’d feel on my death bed, consciously reviewing my life.

  • How would I feel if I never went back to Scotland? Heartbroken.
  • How would I feel if I never visited the Grand Canyon? Meh, no biggie.
  • How would I feel if I never had an opportunity to try hákarl? Surprisingly disappointed.
  • How would I feel if I never visited Kenya, Tanzania, and/or Botswana? I considered each place individually and then collectively. I decided at least one country would suffice.

I carefully reviewed each item on the the list and decided I did, indeed, need two separate lists. My friend was right. But I still have a lot of true Bucket List items. So, I marked them accordingly, and decided to keep them all in the same notebook with stars by the Bucket List ones.

Having reviewed my Bucket and Wish Lists, I considered Mikaela’s as well; she’s my six-year-old daughter. She frequently—almost daily, in fact—asks me when we’re going to fly on a plane again or go on another cruise. I love my little travel companion! On Mikaela’s Bucket List are another cruise (our first one was last summer), Disney World or Disneyland (doesn’t matter which one), Egypt, and the beach. I’m not sure if we can swing all of these, but hopefully, I can take her to at least one beach this year. We’ll have to see how the budget and my paid time off work out in order to incorporate her dreams into our travel plan.

Check! On to step 2.

2.       Review the goals.

I’m nearing the end of my five-year-plan that I laid out in December of 2019. There are some things I have been steadily (mostly) working on, and some things that need(ed) to be accomplished at specific points in time throughout the process.

One major goal is that I want to become a better camper as I lack some confidence in packing, setting things up, the tear-down, and then storing it at home in an organized way. We tried camping one time last year and there was a horrible thunderstorm that was expected that weekend, so we ended up not camping at all. This year, I hope to go at least two or three times.

Another skill I’d like to improve within myself and start teaching Mikaela is minding the travel budget more efficiently. Finding places to eat and visit that are low-cost or free are essential in order to save for bigger ticket items, like cruises and 10-day safaris.

The other major goal I’d like to focus on this year is for both of us to live a healthier life, and that means getting outside more often to hike, walk, bike, swim, and play. It also means eating a more balanced diet with a more mindful lifestyle.

Okay, those goals have been brought to the forefront: check! On to step 3.

3.       Extremely important things to consider.

As I consider my rather extensive Bucket List, there are some things I need to keep in mind when I’m planning our adventures. One challenge is a limited amount of paid time off (PTO) from work. Another challenge is my daughter’s attendance at the local public school. A third challenge is staying within my monthly living budget and not overspending.

Paid time off calculated: check!

School Calendar available: check!

Personal monthly budget reviewed/edited: check!

On to step 4.

4.       Check the calendar.

One of the things that caused me to surprisingly fall in love with Ohio was festival season. The Industrial Era brought so many cultures here, and there are numerous events to celebrate life and increase awareness! German, Irish/Celtic/Scottish, and Greek festivals seem particularly large and popular events. There are also smaller festivals that celebrate Lebanese and Italian cultures, among many others. Ohio hosts many festivals all summer long, and we love attending them! I’ve saved the link to that list, and wrote down the ones that are my favorites.

Mikaela is involved in a few extracurriculars, and I had to check the school calendar for the remainder of this school year, as well as the next one in fall. Thankfully, our school district approves two years at a time, so we always know what’s happening the next school year.

Holidays, birthdays, special events: check!

On to step 5.

5.       Re-review everyone’s Bucket and Wish Lists.

Having made these considerations, I looked at my Bucket List and Wish List again. Considering some changes to my budget and limited PTO, I decided some shorter trips within the lower 48 would be best for this year. 

Visiting American National Parks is high on my list; I have a scratch-off poster that has far too many parks that need to be visited. There are two parks that are nearby within a few hours’ drive, each easily doable in a regular weekend. I added those to the list. I also have a scratch-off poster of the United States. Michigan is directly to the north of us and I’ve yet to visit it, having lived in Ohio for eight years. 

Eight years! But that’s a different story.

I’ve decided that’s the state we’ll scratch off this year. 

Additionally, our friends host Worldschool Pop-Up Hubs and one will be in Wisconsin. We might be able to swing that but it will definitely require time off work to make that trip happen. It’s a loooong drive.

I also really want to go to a few different beaches. These will most likely require flights, unless we go to Put-in-Bay or somewhere near Cleveland. The beach doesn’t have to be by the ocean, I guess. I do love the ocean, but I think Lake Erie would suffice. 

So, with my list of the two national parks, two states, beaches, and festivals, I’ve got a good list started. Disney World in fall is a very real possibility. The cruise may need to wait for 2024. It takes a little more effort in the planning to make sure we stay within our financial goals and PTO limitations. Thankfully, our school district is supportive of missing some school days to go on adventures, as these add to the overall development of the child. 

And it takes acceptance within myself to feel like I’m not missing out on being adventurous if I can’t accomplish Bucket List adventures before I tackle the Wish List. It’s a delicate balance I need to maintain.

Check! On to step 6.

6.       Make the plan.

What sort of calendar do you use for these plans? I’m trying my best to be better with digital calendars, but I really love the spread of paper ones that are colorful with markers and stickers. I’m very visual, so seeing it all laid out helps me.

A little more research is required for a few events, and I’ve left some openings for spontaneous events and “chill” weekends. I am kinda sad that it looks like we might not use our passports this year for international travel, but never say never! 

It looks like this will be the year that we really explore our “home” area, much the way we would if we were to slow travel elsewhere in distant places. This world has so much to explore, and there’s a lot of it right here at home within a few hours’ drive that we can experience on a tighter budget.

As a solo mom, I feel it’s important to consider the activities my daughter dreams of doing. Her Bucket List is just as important to her as my Bucket List is important to me. 

Her dreams are also important to me. I feel it is my responsibility to listen to her thoughts and do my best to create opportunities for her.

Here’s to all the magic 2023 has in store for us, and for you!

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