Life is a theme park with roller coasters that have twists and turns, slow climbs, and heart-stopping drops. At the end of each ride, we’re either exclaiming, “That was so fun! Let’s go again!” or “Well, that was disappointing.” We stand in long lines. We pay way too much for a bottle of water. But we smile when our child is covered with that $10 ice cream cone, with a smile as wide as Texas. Ah, the things we do just to see a smile on the their faces!

Mikaela is my baby girl. She entered my life when I thought all hope for her was lost. I had given up hope for her and had decided to go down a path of travel and adventure! I was tired of waiting for the right moment to make plans with family or friends to go on trips. If Cassie de Pecol could do it, so could I! Mistakenly, I thought Mikaela would change all that and I would have to become a homebody once again. Au contraire! Shortly after I became pregnant, I heard of Lainie and her venture of Raising Miro as a worldschooler. Problem solved!

Mikaela has 2 adult brothers, so she will not get to grow up with them in her life as often as we’d like. (I, too, was born late in my parents’ life, so I know what it’s like.) At times, it will seem as if she were an only child, but we will share as many adventures as we can with her brothers. I hope you get to meet them soon!

I plan to make Mikaela’s lifetime of learning as adventurous as possible! Join Mikaela&Me as we share our adventures, learning, and fun. We’re so glad you’re here!

Mikaela&Me, 19 Feb 2017

Mikaela&Me, off to a fundraiser, 26 June 2021


(C) 2016-2021 Kara McWest All Rights Reserved